Discover traffic accidents

Every year, there are traffic accidents. Every year, people die on the roads.
In this section, we invite you to discover the figures for traffic accidents and victims of traffic accidents.

What will you learn in this topic?

How many traffic accidents were there in your municipality? How are the victims of traffic accidents counted? What is a victim? What are the factors that influence the number of accidents? Is the traffic more dangerous in one municipality than in another?

How are the figures on victims of traffic accidents compiled?

A victim is a person who was slightly or badly injured or who died in a traffic accident. An accident can make several victims.

Number of traffic accidents and number of victims

These victims were using a means of transport.

We can divide these victims among the various means of transport involved in those accidents and build a bar chart or a bar graph.

The (absolute) frequency is the number of victims counted in traffic accidents for each means of transport. If you add up all the frequencies, you find the total number of victims.

The mode is the means of transport that counts the most victims in a traffic accident.

Of all the traffic victims recorded in your municipality, what is the proportion of victims for each means of transport ?

To calculate the proportion of car accident victims (drivers and passengers) in relation to the total number of traffic victims, you need to divide the frequency of car accident victims by the total number of traffic victims. If you multiply this proportion by 100, you get the percentage of car accident victims in relation to the total number of traffic victims. You can do the calculation for each means of transport and then reflect the percentages obtained in a pie chart.

Compare les chiffres des victimes d’accidents de la route avec ceux d’une autre commune

Is the number of car accident victims the same in both municipalities? Is the percentage of car accident victims the same in both municipalities?

From the bar chart and the total number of traffic victims, you can create two pie charts showing each the breakdown of traffic victims according to the means of transport involved. In some cases, you will see that these pie charts are very different.

Choose another geographical area to compare:

Evolution of the number of accidents and victims of traffic accidents in your municipality.

Two evolutions are shown on this chart:

  • the evolution of the number of traffic accidents that made victims.
  • the evolution of the number of victims of traffic accidents.
You can see that the number of victims of traffic accidents is generally higher than the number of accidents that claimed victims.
This is logical, since several victims can be involved in the same accident.

You can see that the number of victims and the number of accidents evolve over time.
They can increase, decrease and, in some cases, remain the same from one year to the other.
It is possible to measure the evolution of a variable (for example, the number of victims of traffic accidents) over time compared to an original value by calculating what we call an evolution rate or a rate of change.

Factors that influence the number of accidents?

Traffic accidents are often the result of a combination of factors or circumstances.
Prevention, road safety plans and road improvements are all ways of reducing the risks.

Which municipality is the safest?

Is the safest municipality in terms of road safety the one with the fewest victims? Not necessarily !

For every 10,000 inhabitants, municipality A would have 1,000 victims. Municipality B would have 45.

If we assume that the number of victims of traffic accidents is proportional to the number of inhabitants in a municipality, then municipality A would be less safe than municipality B in terms of road safety.

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